Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dear Joe,

I didn't close my eyes when you prayed Sunday. Sorry, but I wanted to watch your face. I watched you and I was happy to get a glimpse of who you are. I wanted to see what sort of a person you are becoming, what kind of husband you are to Audra, if you are strong enough and good enough for our precious girl.

When she chose you - I was surprised. Almost, I will admit, appalled. You did not at all fit the image I had formed in my mind of the man Audra would choose. (Maybe no son-in-law does.) But Audra was convinced. She was certain and I was happy with her and for her. Yet, I have not stopped watching.

Now, you have fathered six children and each child has changed you. Each year of your walk with God and your marriage to Audra has seen a new person emerge more and more.

As you prayed, I thought about what a miracle you are. You, Joseph Michie, once a lost and lonely young man, staggered by the weight of life and stumbling in the way of sin. Now, a new man, praying there for your wife, your mother, and your mother-in-law. How amazing is that transformation? How wonderful is that!

It made me so glad! You have come so far since you turned onto the path of light and began to become a man of God.  You have grown so much since you determined to be a good father and a great husband. I want to watch as you become the man God sees in you--the man He sees when you pray.

Of course, I wasn't the only one looking during your prayer and I bet it made Him glad too.

Love you, Elece

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