Notes to God

Loving Creator,

help me reawaken my childlike sense of wonder 

at the delights of your world!

Marilyn Morgan Helleberg

I love your spring wind, Lord...its bright prancing.

 It makes me want to dance too,

to roll a hoop,

throw confetti,

 gather armfuls of flowers.

 (Marjorie Holmes)

Lord, give me an open heart to find you everywhere,
to glimpse the heaven enfolded in a bud,

and to experience eternity in the smallest act of love.

(Mother Teresa)

Listen to me, Lord, as a mother,

 and hold me warm, and forgive me.

Soften my experiences into wisdom,

 my pride into acceptance,

my longing into trust,

and soften me into love.

(Ted Loder)

 How precious are your thoughts toward me, O God!

 How great is the sum of them!

If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand:

when I wake I am still with you.

 Psalm 139: 17-18 NKJV

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